1. Raanan Rein, The Franco-Perón Alliance: Relations between Spain and Argentina, 1946-1955, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh and London 1993. 329pp.
(Reviewed in: American Historical Review, International History Review, Times Literary Supplement, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Choice, Mediterranean Historical Review, EIAL, Notas, Política Exterior, Ayer, Zmanim).
1a. A Spanish edition was published under the title La salvación de una dictadura: Alianza Franco-Perón, 1946-1955, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid 1995. 291pp.
(Reviewed in: Hispania, Entrepasados, Revista de Historia Económica).
1b. An Argentine edition was published in Buenos Aires by Ediciones Lumiere under the title Entre el abismo y la salvación: el pacto Franco-Perón, Buenos Aires 2003. 293pp.
(Reviewed in: Clarín, Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, Río Negro).
2. Raanan Rein, In the Shadow of the Holocaust and the Inquisition: Israel's Relations with Francoist Spain (Hebrew), School of History, Tel Aviv University and University Publishing Projects, Tel Aviv 1995. 254pp.
(Reviewed in: Zion, Zmanim, Gesher, Ha’aretz Books Supplement, Yediot Aharonot).
2a. A Spanish edition was published under the title Franco, Israel y los judíos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid 1996. 348 pp.
2b. Enlarged and updated edition in English was published under the same title as in Hebrew by Frank Cass Publishers, London and Portland, OR.: 1997, 278pp. (both hardcover and paperback editions).
(Reviewed in: American Historical Review, International History Review, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Mediterranean Historical Review, Jewish Chronicle, Journal of Israeli History).
3. Tzvi Medin and Raanan Rein (eds.), Society and Identity in Argentina: The European Context (Hebrew), School of History, Tel Aviv University, and University Publishing Projects 1997. 324pp.
(Reviewed in: Zmanim, Gesher, Ha’aretz Books Supplement).
4. Raanan Rein, Populism and Charisma: Perón's Argentina (Hebrew), Modan Publishers, Tel Aviv 1998, 242pp.
(Reviewed in: Zmanim, Ma’ariv, Ha’aretz Books Supplement, Ha’aretz Cultural Supplement, IDF Radio).
5. Raanan Rein, Peronismo, populismo y política: Argentina, 1943-1955, Editorial de la Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires 1998. 282pp.
(Reviewed in: Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, EIAL, Ciclos, Humanidades, Revista Complutense de Historia de América, Reflejos, Res Gesta, Latin American Jewish Studies).
6. Raanan Rein (ed.), Spain and the Mediterranean since 1898, Frank Cass Publishers, London and Portland, OR 1999. 255pp. (both hardcover and paperback editions).
(Reviewed in: Journal of Contemporary History, Regional and Federal Studies, Spagna Contemporanea, Mediterranean Politics, International History Review).
7. Tzvi Medin and Raanan Rein (eds.), Mexico since the Revolution (Hebrew), School of History, Tel Aviv University, and University Publishing Projects 1999. 326pp.
(Reviewed in: Zmanim, Gesher).
8. Raanan Rein (ed.), They Shall Not Pass: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 (Hebrew), Zmora-Bitan, Tel Aviv 2000, 400pp.
9. Raanan Rein, Argentina, Israel y los judíos: Encuentros y desencuentros, mitos y realidades, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Lumiere 2001, 320pp.
(Reviewed in: Reflejos, Revista de Libros, Latin American Jewish Studies Newsletter, Transparencias, Nuevo Siglo, Aurora, La Voz de Israel, Informe sobre antisemitismo en Argentina).
9a. A second edition with a new preface and a new bibliographical essay was published by Ediciones Lumiere, Buenos Aires 2007.
(Reviewed in: Nuestra Memoria)
9b. Raanan Rein, Argentina, Israel, and the Jews: Perón, the Eichmann Capture and After, University Press of Maryland 2003, 275pp.
(Reviewed in: The American Historical Review, Jewish History, Journal of Latin American Studies, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Modern Jewish Studies, Hispanic American Historical Review, EIAL, Journal of Israeli Studies, Journal of Israeli History, Shofar, Revista de Indias).
9c. A Hebrew edition was published by the Diaspora Research Institute, Tel Aviv University: Raanan Rein, Argentina, Israel and the Jews: From the Partition of Palestine to the Eichmann Affair, Tel Aviv 2002, 321pp.
(Reviewed in: Zmanim, Gesher, Maariv, Ha-Zman Ha-Shlishi).
10. Carlos Waisman and Raanan Rein (eds.), Spanish and Latin American Transitions to Democracy, Sussex Academic Press 2005, 246pp.
(a paperback edition was published in 2006).
(Reviewed in: Journal of Latin American Studies).
10a. Carlos Waisman, Raanan Rein and Ander Gurrutxaga Abad (eds.), Transiciones de la dictadura a la democracia: los casos de España y América Latina, Bilbao, Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco 2005, 346pp.
11. Raanan Rein and Rosalie Sitman (eds.), El primer peronismo: de regreso a los comienzos, Ediciones Lumiere, Buenos Aires, 2005, 280pp.
(Reviewed in: Página12, Herald, Revista Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana).
12. Raanan Rein and Tamar Groves (eds.), Outside the Bullring: Spain in the 20th Century, Tel Aviv, Ramot 2005 (Hebrew), 334pp.
(Reviewed in: Zmanim).
13. Raanan Rein, Juan Atilio Bramuglia. Bajo la sombra del Lider: la segunda linea del liderazgo peronista, Ediciones Lumiere, Buenos Aires, 2006, 335pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, La Voz del Interior, Interpretaciones. Revista de Historiografía y Ciencias Sociales de la Argentina, Revista Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, Revista Diplomática, Araucaria).
13a. An English edition was published under the title In the Shadow of Perón: Juan Atilio Bramuglia and the Second Line of Argentina's Populist Movement, Stanford University Press 2008, 302pp.
(Reviewed in: Choice, The Americans, American Historical Review, Nuevo Mundo/ Mundos Nuevos, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Iberoamericana, H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences).
14. Raanan Rein (ed.), España-Israel: Veinte años después, Dykinson and Fundación Tres Culturas, Madrid, 2007, 223pp.
15. Jeffrey Lesser and Raanan Rein (eds.), Rethinking Jewish-Latin Americans, University of New Mexico Press 2008, 294pp.
(Reviewed in: Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Latin American Research Review, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, The Latin Americanist, The Americas, EIAL, Zmanim [Hebrew], Latin American Literary Review).
16. Judit Bokser Liwerant, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yossi Gorny, and Raanan Rein (eds.), Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism: Latin America in the Jewish World, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2008, xiv, 445pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Comparative Sociology).
17. Raanan Rein (ed.), Arabes y judíos en Iberoamérica: similitudes, diferencias y tensiones sobre el trasfondo de las tres culturas, Tres Culturas, Madrid, 2008, 460pp.
(Reviewed in: Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, Journal of Latin American Studies, The Americas).
18. Raanan Rein and Claudio Panella (eds.), Peronismo y prensa escrita: abordajes, miradas e interpretaciones nacionales y extranjeras, Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata, La Plata, 2008, 359pp.
(Reviewed in: Journal of Latin American Studies, Iberoamericana, Araucaria, EIAL, Nuevos Mundos/Mundos Nuevos, Revista Questión, Reseñas y Debates).
19. Raanan Rein and Claudio Panella (eds.), El retorno de Perón y el peronismo en la visión de la prensa nacional y extranjera (1972-1974), Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata, La Plata, 2009, 457pp.
(Reviewed in: Araucaria, Télam, Nuevo Mundo/Mundos Nuevos, EIAL, Boletín Bibliográfico Electrónico del Programa Buenos Aires de Historia Política, Anuario del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Históricas Eva Perón, Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina-Universidad Nacional de La Plata).
20. Raanan Rein, Argentine Jews or Jewish Argentines? Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Diaspora, Brill 2010, xxvi, 286pp.
(Reviewed in: Choice, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Journal of Jewish Identities,Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Association of Jewish Libraries).
21. Silvina Schammah-Gesser and Raanan Rein (eds.), El otro en la España Contemporánea: Prácticas, discursos y representaciones, Fundación Tres Culturas, Seville, 2011, 435pp.
(Reviewed in: Araucaria, Hispania, Iberoamericana, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe - EIAL)).
22. Raanan Rein, Judíos argentinos o argentinos judíos? Ensayos sobre identidad, etnicidad y diáspora, Ediciones Lumiere, Buenos Aires, 2011, 287pp.
(Reviewed in: Temas de historia argentina y americana).
23. Raanan Rein, Los bohemios de Villa Crespo: Judíos y fútbol en la Argentina, Sudamericana, Buenos Aires 2012, 218pp.
(Reviewed in: Latin american jewish studies, A Contracorriente, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Soccer & Society, Horizons of Politics, Temas de historia argentina y americana).
24. Raanan Rein (ed.), Más allá del Medio Oriente: Las diásporas judía y árabe en América Latina, Editorial de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, 2012, 314pp.
(Reviewed in: Hispanic American Historical Review, Latin American Jewish Studies, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Anuario de Estudios Americanos).
25. Adriana Brodsky and Raanan Rein (eds.), The New Jewish Argentina: Facets of Jewish Experiences in the Southern Cone, Brill, Boston, 2013, 399pp. A paperback edition was published in 2014.
(Reviewed in: Hispanic American Historical Review, Latin American Jewish Studies,The Americas, Shofar, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Estudios Hispánicos, American Jewish History)
26. Raanan Rein y Claudio Panella (eds.), Cultura para todos. El suplemento cultural de La Prensa cegetista (1951-1955), Editorial de la Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires, 2013, 319pp.
(Reviewed in: Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina, Radar Libros, Página 12, Boletín Bibliográfico, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Araucaria).
27. Raanan Rein y Claudio Panella (eds), La segunda línea. Liderazgo peronista, Pueblo Heredero/ Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, 2014, 359pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Araucaria, PolHis, Estudios Sociales del Estado, Anuario de Historia Virtual-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).
28. Raanan Rein and David Sheinin (eds.), Muscling in on New Worlds: Jews, Sport, and the Making of the Americas, Brill, Boston, 2015, 203pp.
(Reviewed in: American Jewish History, Journal of Sport History, Studies in Contemporary Jewry).
29. Raanan Rein, Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2015, 240pp.
(Reviewed in: CHOICE, Foreign Affairs, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, The International Journal of the History of Sport, Latin American Research Review, AJS Review, American Historical Review, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, H-Judaic, H-Net Reviews, American Jewish History, Shofar, Horizons of Politics, A Contracorriente, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Bulletin of Spanish Studies,National Identities, Studies in Contemporary Jewry).
29a. A Hebrew edition was published by Magnes Press, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2019, 219pp.
(Reviewed in: Zmanim, Historia, Haaretz, Yekum-Tarbut)
29b. An updated and enlarged edition in Spanish was published as: Atlanta, Villa Crespo y sus Bohemios, Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Sur, 2024 (GES), 328pp.
30. Raanan Rein (ed.), La Cancha Peronista. fútbol y política, 1946- 1955, Editorial de la Universidad de San Martín, Buenos Aires, 2015, 257pp.
(Reviewed in: Télam, Clarín, Página 12, Libros y Pelotas, El Equipo, Nueva Sion, La Nación, El Gráfico, Mundo Deportivo, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Revista PolHis).
30a. Second edition published by UNSAM Edita, Buenos Aires, 2021, 219pp.
31. Raanan Rein, Los muchachos peronistas judíos: los argentinos judíos y el apoyo al justicialismo, Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2015, 407pp.
(Reviewed in: InfoBAE, Miradas al Sur, Clarín, Página 12, Revista Raices).
32. Raanan Rein y Joan Maria Thomàs (eds.), Guerra Civil y Franquismo: Una perspectiva internacional, Editorial de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2016, 255pp.
(Reviewed in: Mediterranean Historical Review).
33. Raanan Rein y Claudio Panella (eds.), Los indispensables: dirigentes de la segunda línea peronista, Editorial de Universidad Nacional de San Martin, 2017, 275pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Hispanic American Historical Review, Estudios Sociales del Estado) [cover]
34. Raanan Rein, Stefan Rinke, and Nadia Zysman (eds.), The New Ethnic Studies in Latin America, Brill, Boston and Leiden, 2017, 203pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Journal of Latin American Studies, Hispanic American Historical Review, American Jewish History).
35. Raanan Rein and Joan María Thomás (eds.), Spain 1936: Year Zero, Brighton and Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2018, 320pp.
(Reviewed in: Spagna Contemporanea, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Neue Politische Literatur, Mediterranean Historical Review, War in History, The Volunteer).
36. Raanan Rein y Claudio Panella (eds.), En busca de la comunidad organizada: organizaciones politicas y sociales del primer peronismo, Editorial de la Universidad de La Matanza, Buenos Aires, 2018, 384pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe).
37. Raanan Rein, Mariano Gruschetsky and Rodrigo Daskal (eds.), Clubes de fútbol en tiempos de dictadura, Buenos Aires: UNSAM Edita, 2018, 295pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Apropos, Hispanic American Historical Review).
37a. A new edition was published in Spain under the title Clubes de fútbol en tiempos de dictadura argentina, Logroño, La Rioja: Editorial Siníndice, 2018, 295pp.
37b. A second edition was published in Buenos Aires: UNSAM Edita, 2019, 285pp.
38. Raanan Rein y Ariel Noyjovich, Los muchachos peronistas árabes: los argentinos-árabes y el apoyo al Justicialismo, Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2018, 315pp.
(Reviewed in: Journal of Latin American Studies, Hispanic American Historical Review).
39. Raanan Rein y Claudio Panella (eds.), El deporte en el primer peronismo: Estado, competencias, deportistas, La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2019, 305pp.
(Reviewed in: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina (UNLP))
40. Raanan Rein, Stefan Rinke and David M.K. Sheinin (eds.), Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in Latin America, Brill, Leiden & Boston, 2020, 355pp.
(Reviewed in: Hispanic American Historical Review).
41. Raanan Rein, Populism and Ethnicity: Peronism and the Jews of Argentina, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020, 318pp.
(Reviewed in: H-Net, American Historical Review, Hispanic American Historical Review, AJS Review – The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies, American Jewish History)
42. Raanan Rein and Claudio Panella (eds.), Los necesarios. La segunda línea peronista de los años iniciales a los del retorno del líder, Buenos Aires: Prohistoria, 2021, 212pp.
(Reviewed in: Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales, Revista Páginas)
43. Raanan Rein, Rodrigo Daskal, and Mariano Gruschetsky (eds.), Deporte y sociedad civil en tiempos de dictadura, Buenos Aires: UNSAM Edita, 2021, 304pp.
44. Raanan Rein and David Sheinin (eds.), Armed Jews in the Americas, Boston: Brill, 2021, 251pp.
(Reviewed in: Latin American Research Review, American Jewish History, Latin American Jewish Studies)
45. Co-editor of Diccionario del Peronismo, 1955-1969, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, 384pp., online edition, 2021.
46. Raanan Rein, Perón: La inclusión política de árabes, judíos y japoneses, Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Sur, 2021, 430pp.
47. Raanan Rein and Ariel Noyjovich, Peronism as a Big Tent: The Political Inclusion of Arab Immigrants in Argentina, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2022, 230pp.
48. Jewish Self Defense in South America: Facing Anti-Semitism with a Club in Hand , New York: Routledge, 2022, 275pp.
(Reviewed in: Hispanic American Historical Review, Iberoamericana – Berlin)
48.a A Spanish edition, Cachiporras contra.Tacuara: grupos de autodefensa judíos en América de Sur, 1960-1975, was published in Buenos Aires: Penguin-Random House-Sudamerica, 2023, 461pp.
(Reviewed in: Revista Telar, Rey Desnudo, Nuevo Mundo/ Mundos Nuevos, Iberoamericana – Berlin).
48.b A Hebrew edition was published by the Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2023, 310pp.
49. Raanan Rein and Susanne Zepp-Zwirner (eds.), Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War, Routledge/Cañada Blanch Studies on Contemporary Spain 2024, 304pp.
An open-access book: click here
50. Raanan Rein and Pablo Mendez Shiff (eds.), Las fuerzas del cielo: Argentina, Milei y los judíos, Buenos Aires: Milena Caserola, 2024, 235pp.
51. Linda Erker and Raanan Rein (eds.), Nazis and Nazi Sympathizers in South America after 1945, Boston: Brill, 2024, 293pp.
52. Raanan Rein and Claudio Panella (eds.), Estudios sobre comunicación, educación y deporte en el peronismo, La Plata: Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2024 (forthcoming).
53. Raanan Rein and David Tal (eds.), Citizen as Diplomat: Global, Jewish, and Israeli Perspectives (in preparation).
54. Raanan Rein (with Adrián Krupnik), Max Mazin: Empresario y dirigente judío en tiempos de dictadura y democracia (in preparation).
55. Raanan Rein and Claudio Panella (eds.), Integrantes de la segunda línea peronista (in preparation).
56. Co-editor (with Judit Liwerant and Luis Roniger) of a 5-volume Encyclopedia of Jews in Latin America, Boston and Leiden: Brill (in preparation).
"La negativa israelí: las relaciones entre España e Israel (1948-1949)", Hispania, No. 172 (1989): pp. 659-688.
"Why Did Israel Ignore Francoist Spain?", Gesher- Journal of Jewish Affairs (Hebrew), No. 119 (Spring 1989): pp. 54-66.
"El pacto Perón-Franco: justificación ideológica y nacionalismo en Argentina", Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol.1, No.1 (1990): pp. 107-132.
"The Visit of the Young Lady: The Franco-Perón Alliance and Evita's Trip to Spain", Zmanim (Hebrew), vol. 10, No. 38 (Summer 1991): pp. 80-91.
"Israel and the 'Spanish Question' in the United Nations, 1949-55", International Problems, Society & Politics (Hebrew), Vol. 30, No. 57 (1991): pp. 74-84.
"Hispanidad y oportunismo político: el caso peronista", Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol.2, No.2 (1991): pp. 51-68.
"Franquistas y antifranquistas en la Argentina peronista", in C. Malamud (ed.), La política argentina, 1930-1955, papeles de trabajo del Primer Encuentro de Argentinistas Europeos, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Madrid 1992. pp. 22-42.
"El antifranquismo durante el régimen peronista", Cuadernos Americanos, No. 37 (1993): pp. 90-114.
"The Franco-Perón Alliance: The Economic Dimension", International Problems, Society & Politics (Hebrew), No. 61 (1993): pp. 24-39.
"Un salvavidas para Franco: La ayuda económica argentina a la España franquista (1946-1949)", Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales (Argentina), Vol. 8 (1993): pp. 199-214.
"The Franco-Perón Alliance: Motives for Aid and Their Ideological Justifications", State, Government & International Relations (Hebrew), No. 38 (1993): pp. 5-27.
"Outpaced by the West: Israel's Spanish Policy, 1953-1956", Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 8 (1993): pp. 74-104.
"The Belated Initiative: Israel's Relations with Franco's Spain, 1953-1956", Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B, Vol. II, Jerusalem, 1994 (Hebrew), pp. 361-368.
"Spanish-Argentine Relations and the Changing Place of the Hispanic Heritage in Peronist Nationalism, 1946-1955", in Amado Luiz Cervo and Wolfgang Dopcke (eds.), Relacoes internacionais dos países americanos: vertentes da história, Brasilia 1994, pp. 132-139.
"Francoist Spain and the Sephardi Jews in Arab Countries, 1956-1970”, Gesher- Journal of Jewish Affairs (Hebrew), No.131 (Summer 1995): pp. 69-80.
"Israel's Anti-Francoist Policy (1948-1953): Motives and Ideological Justifications", Diplomacy & Statecraft, Vol.6, No. 2 (July 1995): pp. 408-430.
(with Mónica Esti Rein), "Peronist Textbooks and the Shaping of 'The New Argentina'", Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 54 (1995): pp. 75-89.
"Otro escenario de lucha: Franquistas y antifranquistas en la Argentina, 1936-1949", Ciclos (Buenos Aires), No.9 (1995): pp. 31-52. (published also in Ignacio Klich and Mario Rapoport, eds., Discriminación y racismo en América Latina, Buenos Aires 1997, pp. 333-353).
(with Mónica Esti Rein), "Populismo y educación: el caso de la Argentina peronista, 1946- 1955", Revista del Instituto de investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación, Buenos Aires, No. 8 (1996): pp. 50-57.
"Latin America in Search of Identity: The Case of Peronist Argentina", in Miriam Eliav Feldon (ed.), Following Columbus: America 1492-1992 (Hebrew), Jerusalem 1996, pp. 339-353.
“Perón, Evita, and Peronism as Viewed by the Hebrew Press, 1949-1955”, Kesher - Journalism Studies (Hebrew), No. 20 (1996): pp. 117-127.
“Las imágenes conflictivas del peronismo en Israel, 1946-1955”, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol. 20, No. 39-40 (1995): pp. 153-176. 22a. (published also in J. Bokser Liwerant and A. Gojman de Backal [eds.], Encuentro y alteridad: vida y cultura judía en América Latina, Mexico City 1999, pp. 286-305).
“Music, Memory and Exile: The Struggle Over Manuel de Falla's Body”, Zmanim (Hebrew), Vol. 14, No. 57 (1996-1997): pp. 37-45.
“Música, exilio y memoria - la lucha por los restos de Manuel de Falla”, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Dec. 1996); pp. 22-39.
“Perón, Argentina and the UN Vote on the Partition of Palestine”, Gesher- Journal of Jewish Affairs (Hebrew), No. 135 (1997): pp. 73-87.
“Another Front Line: Francoist and Anti-Francoists in Argentina, 1936-1939”, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 31, No. 3 (1997): pp. 17-33.
“Political Considerations and Personal Rivalries: Peronist Argentina and the Partition of Palestine”, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Vol. 8, No. 2 (July 1997): pp. 125-147.
27a. A Spanish version was published under the title “La Argentina y la partición de Palestina: Una tercera posición peronista”, Entrepasados, No. 14 (1998): pp. 45-63. -
“Politics and Sports in Peronist Argentina”, Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 63 (June 1998): pp. 92-103.
“El Primer Deportista: The Political Use and Abuse of Sports in Peronist Argentina”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 15, No. 2 (August 1998): pp. 54-76.
(with Mónica Rein), “Populism and Education: The Case of Peronist Argentina”, in I. Etkes and R. Feldhay (eds.), Education and History: Cultural and Political Contexts (Hebrew), The Shazar Center, Jerusalem 1999, pp. 405-422.
“The Price of Success: Juan Atilio Bramuglia and the Berlin Crisis”, Politika (Hebrew), No. 3 (June1999): pp. 89-107.
“Searching for Votes and Economic Treaties: Francoist Spain and the Arab World, 1945-1956”, Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 1/2 (1998): pp. 195-215.
“Mexico and the Spanish Civil War”, in Tzvi Medin and Raanan Rein (eds.), Mexico Since the Revolution (Hebrew), Tel Aviv 1999, pp. 127-153.
“Pereparando el camino para el peronismo: Juan A. Bramuglia como Interventor Federal en la Provincia de Buenos Aires”, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, No. 67 (Dec. 1999): pp. 35-55.
“The Miracle that Never Occurred: The Return of Peronism to Power in Argentine, 1973-1976”, Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 71 (Summer 2000): pp. 66-77.
“Una minoría tolerada: los judíos en la España de Franco”, in Carlos Carrete Parrondo et al. (eds.), Encuentros and Desencuentros: The Spanish-Jewish Cultural Interaction, Tel Aviv 2000, pp. 659-675.
“Argentina, World War II, and the Arrival of Nazi War Criminals”, Gesher- Journal of Jewish Affairs (Hebrew), No. 142 (Winter 2000): pp. 59-70.
“The Second Line of Peronist Leadership: A Revised Conceptualization of Populism”, Working Papers Series, Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland, College Park 2000, 39 pp.
“Una breve crisis diplomática: las relaciones entre Israel y la Argentina a la luz del secuestro de Eichmann”, Desmemoria, No. 28 (April 2001): pp. 33-54.
"Francoist Spain and Latin America, 1936-1955", in Stein Ugelvik Larsen (ed.), Fascism Outside Europe: The European Impulse against Domestic Conditions in the Diffusion of Global Fascism, Social Science Monographs, Columbia University Press, New York 2001, pp. 116-152.
“In the Shadow of the Eichmann Kidnapping: Argentine-Israeli Relations and the Local Jewish Community”, Ha-Tzionut (Hebrew), Vol. 23 (2001): pp. 353-378.
“The Eichmann Kidnapping: Its Effects on Argentine-Israeli Relations and the Local Jewish Community”, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2001): pp. 101-130.
"Argentina, World War II, and the Entry of War Criminals", in Yevgeny Pashentsev (ed.), Armies and Politics, Moscow 2002, pp. 349-369.
(with Tzvi Tal), "From the Killing Fields to the Silver Screen: The Spanish Civil War in Motion Pictures", Zmanim (Hebrew), Vol. 21, No. 80 (September 2002): pp. 30-41.
“Israel and Argentine Jews: Complimentary or Conflicting Interests?”, in Eliezer Ben-Rafael et al. (eds.), Contemporary Jewries: Convergence and Divergence, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden 2003, pp. 306-334.
“Entre Janita y Madrid: Los judíos de Palestina y la Guerra Civil Española”, Majshavot (Buenos Aires), Vol. XL 2003, pp. 94-99. [re-published in the Revista Raíces (Spain), Summer 2005].
"'Subversion', Torture and Preventive Killings: What the French Taught the Military in Argentina", Zmanim, No. 87 (Summer 2004): pp. 40-51.
“Past Images, Cultural Codes, and Spain’s Attitude towards the Jews in the Inter-War Period”, in Raya Cohen (ed.) European Jews and Jewish Europeans (a special issue of Michael) (Hebrew), Tel Aviv University 2004, pp. 109-141.
“Peronist Nationalism and the Hispanic Heritage in Argentina”, in Moshe Gammer (ed.), Community, Identity, and the State, Routledge, London 2004, pp. 74-88.
"Argentine Jews and the Accusation of 'Dual Loyalty', 1960-62", in Kristin Ruggiero (ed.), The Jewish Diaspora in Latin America, Sussex Academic Press 2005, pp. 51-71.
“Nationalism, Education, and Identity: Argentine Jews and Catholic Religious Instruction, 1943-1955“, in Marjorie Agosin (ed.), Memory, Oblivion and Jewish Culture in Latin America, University of Texas Press, 2005, pp. 163-175.
“Military Defeat and National Self-Search: Spain and the Crisis of 1898”, in Yosef Kaplan (ed.), Fins de Siecle-End of Ages (Hebrew), Jerusalem 2005, pp. 211-225. [re-published in Raanan Rein and Tamar Groves (eds.), Outside the Bullring: Spain in the 20th Century, Tel Aviv, Ramot 2005].
"El fracaso de la peronización de la colectividad judía", Nuestra Memoria, No. 25 (June 2005): pp. 173-182.
"The Failed Attempt to Establish Peronism Without Perón: Argentina in the Shadow of the Liberating Revolution", Historia (Hebrew), No. 16 (July 2005): pp. 21-53.
"La imagen exterior del peronismo: los casos de la prensa anglosajona e israel", in Santiago Senén González y Gabriel D. Lerman (eds.), El 17 de octubre de 1945"Antes, durante y después, Buenos Aires, Lumiere 2005, pp. 165-180.
"El primer peronismo sin Perón: la Unión Popular durante la Revolución Libertadora", Cuadernos Americanos, No. 112 (July-Aug. 2005): pp. 55-82.
(with Jeffrey Lesser) "Challenging Particularity: Jews as a Lens for Ethnicity in Latin America", Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2006): pp. 249-263.
"Diplomacy, Propaganda, and Humanitarian Gestures: Francoist Spain and Egyptian Jews, 1956-1968", Iberoamericana, No. 23 (2006): pp. 21-33.
"Juan Perón's Return to Power as Reflected in the Hebrew Press: Argentina, Israel and the Jews, 1973-1974", Iyunim Be-Tkumat Israel (Hebrew), Vol. 16 (2006): pp. 415-443.
"Re-Discovering the 'Hidden' History of Latin American Jews", Latin American Studies Association Forum, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Winter 2007): pp. 10-11.
(with Jeffrey Lesser), "Nuevas aproximaciones a los conceptos de etnicidad y diáspora en América Latina: la perspectiva judía", Estudios Sociales, No. 32 (2007): pp. 11-30.
A portuguese version was published under the title "laços finais: novas abordagens sobre etnicidade e diáspora na América Latina do século XX: os judeus como lentes", Projecto Historia, no. 42 (2011): pp. 73-94
"El retorno de Perón al poder reflejado en la prensa Israel - Argentina, Israel y los judíos, 1973-1974", Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, No. 10 (2007): pp. 187-219.
(with Mollie Lewis), "Complementary Identities: Sephardim, Zionists and Argentines between the Two World Wars", (Hebrew) Pe’amim (Studies in Oriental Jewry), No. 111-112 Spring-Summer (2007): pp. 79-102.
"Next Year in Jerusalem or in Buenos Aires? On History and Identity among Jewish-Argentines and Argentine-Israelis", in Klal Israel: Jewish Ethnicity and Nationalism, Past and Present (in Russian), Moscow 2007, pp. 312-328.
"Echoes of the Spanish Civil War in Palestine: Zionists, Communists and the Contemporary Press", Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2008): pp. 9-23.
"Los hombres detrás del Hombre: la segunds línea del liderazgo peronista", Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades, No. 19 (2008): pp. 78-92.
"Waning Essentialism: Latin American Jewish Studies in Israel", in Judit Bokser Liwerant, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yossi Gorny, and Raanan Rein (eds.), Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism: Latin America in the Jewish World, Leiden and Boston, Brill 2008, pp. 109-124.
"'Traidores' o 'renovadores'? El primer peronismo sin Perón (1955-58)". 1st Part, La Memoria de Nuestro Pueblo, (Part I): No. 45 (2008): 45-51; (Part II): No. 46 (2008): 23-28. [Also published in La Memoria de Nuestro Pueblo, No. 50 (2008): pp. 123-133].
"Una guerra de palabras: la prensa española y argentina en el ocaso de la alianza Perón-Franco", in Raanan Rein and Claudio Panella (eds.), Peronismo y prensa escrita: abordajes, miradas e interpretaciones nacionales y extranjeras, La Plata, Editorial de la Universidad de La Plata, 2008, pp. 279-309.
"Populismo", in Hugo Biagini y Arturo Andrés Roig (eds.), Diccionario del pensamiento alternativo, Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos & Universidad de Lanús, 2008.
(with Efraim Davidi), "Deporte, política y exilio: protestas en Israel durante la Copa Mundial de Fútbol (Argentina, 1978)", Estudios Sociales, No. 35 (2008): pp. 169-198.
"De la Casa Rosada al Palacio de Miraflores: populismos de ayer y de hoy", in Antonio Hermosa Andújar and Samuel Schmidt (eds.), Pensar Iberoamérica, Prometeo Libros, Buenos Aires, 2009, pp. 75-94.
(with Efraim Davidi), "Sports, Politics, and Exile: Protests in Israel during the World Cup (Argentina, 1978)", The International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 26, No. 5 (April 2009): pp. 673-692.
"De los grandes relatos a los estudios de 'pequeña escala': algunas notas acerca de la historiografía del primer peronismo", Revista Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, No. 14 (2009): pp. 133-165. 75a Also published in Raanan Rein et al., Los estudios sobre el primer peronismo: Aproximaciones desde el siglo XXI, La Plata 2009, pp. 19-59.
(with Efraim Davidi), "A Jewish Hero Becomes an Enemy of the People of Israel: The Timerman Affaire, the Israeli Establishment and the Hebrew Press", Israel (Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel) [Hebrew], No. 15 (2009): pp. 167-191.
(with Efraim Davidi), "Sports, Politics, and Exile: Protests in Israel during the World Cup (Argentina, 1978)", Iyunim Be-Tkumat Israel [Hebrew], Vol. 19 (2009): pp. 373-400.
"Un pacto de olvido: peronismo y las divisiones dentro de la colectividad judeoargentina", Investigaciones y Ensayos , No. 58 (2009): pp. 429-468.
78a. A shorter version was published in Alejandro Dujovne et al. (eds.), Pensar lo judío en la Argentina del siglo XXI, Buenos Aires: Capital Intelectual, 2011, pp. 181-196. -
"Politically Incorrect: César Tiempo and the Editorial Staff of the Cultural Supplement of La Prensa", Yiddish/ Modern Jewish Studies, Vol. 17, Nos. 1-2 (2011): pp. 139-161.
"Atletico Atlanta-Wie aus dem argentinischen Fussballklub ein jüdisches Identifikationssymbol wurde", Jüdischer Almanach der Leo Baeck Institute, Berlin 2011, pp. 85-92.
"Las repercusiones de la guerra civil española en Palestina: sionistas y comunistas, judíos y árabes", Revista de Historia Contemporánea, No. 38 (2009): pp. 89-112.
"Perón, La Prensa y los intelectuales judíos: el caso de César Tiempo y el Suplemento Cultural", Todo es Historia (July 2010): pp. 68-77.
"Siguiendo el rastro de un secuestro. Escritos sobre el 'caso Eichmann' cincuenta años después", Nuestra Memoria, No. 34 (Dec. 2010): pp. 79-87.
(with Efraim Davidi), "'Exile of the World': Israeli Perceptions of Jacobo Timerman", Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2010): pp. 1-31.
(with Efraim Davidi), "El caso Timerman: el establishment y la prensa israeli", Ciclos, Vol. XIX, No. 37/38 (2010): pp. 221-250.
"Sport, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Identity in Buenos Aires", Zmanim [Hebrew], No. 114 (Spring 2011): pp. 88-99.
(with Martina Weisz), "Ghosts of the Past, Challenges of the Present: New and Old 'Others' in Contemporary Spain", in Julius H. Schoeps and Olaf Glöckner (eds.), A Road to Nowhere? Jewish Experiences in Unifying Europe, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2011, pp. 103-120.
87a. A Spanish version was published in Haim Avni et al. (eds.), Pertenencia y alteridad: Judíos en/de América Latina: cuarenta años de cambio, Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert, Madrid 2011, pp. 201-223.
"Jewish-Latin American Historiography: The Challenges Ahead", in Jean A. Cahan and Amalia Ran (eds.), Returning to Babel: Jewish Latin American Experiences and Representations, Brill, Boston 2012, pp. 17-31.
A Spanish version was published in Emmanuel Kahan et al. (eds.), Marginados y consagrados. Nuevos estudios sobre la vida judía en Argentina (Buenos Aires: Lumiere, 2011), pp. 27-45.
"A Belated Inclusion: Jewish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War and Their Place in the Israeli National Narrative", Israel Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring 2012): pp. 24-49.
90a. A Catalan version was published under the title: "Una incorporació tardana: Els voluntaris jueus de la Guerra Civil espanyola i el seu lloc a la narrativa nacional” , Segle XX , Vol. 4 (2011).90b. A Hebrew version was published in Batya Donner and Rachel Bonfil, From Here to Madrid: Volunteers from Palestine in the International Brigades in Spain, 1936-1938, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Yad Itzhak Ben Zvi, Jerusalem, 2012. pp. 60-88.
90c. A Spanish version was published under the title: "El Largo Camino al panteón de héroes: La tardia inclusión de los brigadistas de la Guerra Civil Española en la narrativa nacional Israelí", Revista Digital do NIEJ, Ano 4, N. 6, (2012).
90d. Another Spanish version was published in La Ciudad Blanca: Anuario de la Catedra Universitaria Espana-Israel, Vol. 1 (2013): pp. 29-52.
(with Mollie Lewis Nouwen), "Cultural Zionism as a Contact Zone: Sephardic and Askenazi Jews Bridge the Gap on the Pages of the Argentine Newspaper "Israel", in Margalit Bejarano and Edna Aizenberg (eds.), Contemporary Sephardic Identity in the Americas: An Intersdisciplinary Approach, Syracuse University Press, 2012, pp. 69-87.
"Hostages of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict", in Shared History, Promising Future: Spain-Israel, Beyond the 25th Anniversary, Madrid 2012, pp. 45-52.
"From Juan Perón to Hugo Chávez and Back: Populism Reconsidered", in Mario Sznajder, Luis Roniger and Carlos Forment (eds.), Shifting Frontiers of Citizenship: The Latin American Experience, Brill, Boston 2013, pp. 289-311.
(with Ilan Diner), "Unfounded Fears, Inflated Hopes, Passionate Memories: Jewish Self-Defense in 1960s Argentina", Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, Vol 11 No.3 (November 2012), pp. 357-376.
94a. A spanish version “Miedos infundados, esperanzas infladas, memorias apasionadas: Los grupos de autodefensa judíos en la Argentina de los años sesenta“ was published in ESTUDIOS Revista del Centro de Estudios Avanzados No. 26 (July - December, 2011), pp. 163-185. -
"Fútbol, etnicidad y otredad: el Club Atlético Atlanta de Buenos Aires", Iberoamericana No. 50 (June, 2013), pp. 65-78.
"Reconsiderando el caso Eichmann: El presidente Frondizi en la encrucijada", Todo es Historia, Buenos Aires, (March 2014), pp. 6-21.
"Searching For Home Abroad: Jews in Argentina and Argentines in Israel", Historie - "Otázky - Problémy", Prague, Volume 5\1 (2014), pp. 155-169.
"Jewish History, Life, and Culture in Latin America", (review essay), Latin American Research Review, vol. 49, no. 2, 2014, pp. 253-261.
"Football, Politics and Protests: The International Campaign against the 1978 World Cup in Argentina" in S. Rinke/K. Schiller, eds., The Relevance and Impact of FIFA World Cups, 1930-2010 (Goettingen: Wallstein, 2014), pp. 240-258.
"Becoming Part of the Moving Story: Jews on the Latin American Screen", Introduction (with Tzvi Tal) to a special issue of the International Journal of Jewish Film, Television and New Media, Vol 2, No. 1 (Spring 2014), pp. 1-8.
"Reconsiderando el concepto y el papel de la 'Segunda línea' del liderazgo peronista", in Julio César Melon and Nícolas Quiroga (comps.), El peronismo y sus partidos. Tradiciones y prácticas políticas entre 1946 y 1976, Rosario, Editorial Prohistoria, 2014, pp. 55-78.
"Peronismo, populismo y política", in Susana Brauner (ed.), El mundo después de la 1a Guerra, Buenos Aires: Temas, 2014, pp. 111-130.
"'My Bobeh was Praying and Suffering for Atlanta': Family, Food and Language among the Jewish-Argentine Fans of the Club Atlético Atlanta", in Raanan Rein and David Sheinin (eds.), Muscling in on New Worlds: Jews, Sport, and the Making of the Americas, Boston: Brill, 2015, pp. 29-48.
“A Trans-National Struggle with National and Ethnic Goals: Jewish-Argentines and Solidarity with the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War”, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, JILAR, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2014, pp. 171-182.
"Más allá del crisol de razas: Los judíos argentinos, el peronismo y la lucha por hogar multicultural", Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, núm. 222, septiembre-diciembre de 2014, pp. 125-142.
"La peronización del fútbol argentino: el caso del Club Atlético Atlanta de Villa Crespo", in Diego Armus and Stefan Rinke (eds.), Del football al futbol/futebol: Historias argentinas, brasileras y uruguayas en el siglo X, Estudios AHILA sobre Historia del Fútbol, Madrid y Frankfurt/Main: Iberoameriana Vervuert, 2014, pp.153-168.
(with Jeffrey Lesser), "Motherlands of choice: Ethnicity, Belonging, and Identities among Jewish-Latin Americans", in Nicola Foote and Michael Goebel (eds.), Immigration and National Identities in Latin America, 1850-1950, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2014, pp. 141-159.
"Metas nacionales y étnicas en una lucha transnacional: argentinos-judíos en solidaridad con el bando republicano durante la Guerra Civil Española", Investigaciones y Ensayos, No. 61 (2014), Academia Nacional de la Historia de la Argentina.
"Entre el peronismo y el nacionalismo de extrema derecha: Jauretche, los argentinos-judíos y la acusación de doble lealtad", in Gustavo Marangoni (comp.), Pensar Arturo Jauretche, protagonista del siglo XX, Buenos Aires, UNIPE-BPBA, 2015, pp. 215-238.
"Familia, comida y lenguaje entre los aficionados judeargentinos del Club Atlético Atlanta", Cuadernos Judaicos, No. 31 (Dec. 2014): pp. 31-61.
"People of the Book or People of the (Foot) Ball? On the Pitch with the Fans of Atlanta in Buenos Aires", in David Sheinin (ed.), Sports Culture in Latin American History, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2015, pp. 103-120.
(with Jeffrey Lesser), "Latin American Jews or Jewish Latin Americans? New Approaches to the Study of Ethnicity and the Concept of Diaspora," Iyunim Be-Tkumat Israel (Hebrew), 2015, pp. 301-318.
(with Guy Setton), "Is an Embassy Really Necessary? Israeli-Spanish Relations in the 1960s", Diplomacy & Statecraft, Vol/26 (Dec. 2015), pp. 678-695.
"Autodefensa judía en la Argentina de los años '60. Desafiando el mito del judío como víctima pasiva", Todo es Historia, No. 575 (2015), pp. 62-79.
(with Inbal Ofer), "Becoming Brigadistas: Jewish Volunteers from Palestine in the Spanish Civil War", European History Quarterly, Vol 46, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 92-112.
"Turning the Country into an 'Immense and Clamorous Stadium': Perón, the New Argentina, and the 1951 Pan-American Games", The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 33, Issue 1-2 (2016): pp. 29-43.
(with Guy Setton), "La diplomacia franquista y los judíos, 1956-1975: la preferencia por el judaísmo diaspórico", Historia del Presente, Vol. 27 (2016): pp.49-60.
"Tikkun Olam and Transnational Solidarity: Jewish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War", Politics and Religion, Vol. X, No. 2 (Autumn 2016).
(with Ariel Noyjovich), "'For an Arab There Can Be Nothing Better Than Another Arab': Nation, Ethnicity, and Citizenship in Peronist Argentina", in Raanan Rein, Stefan Rinke, and Nadia Zysman (eds.), The New Ethnic Studies in Latin America, Brill, Boston and Leiden, 2017, pp. 78-98.
119a. (with Ariel Noyjovich), "Para un árabe de bien no puede haber nada mejor que otro árabe: Nación, etnicidad y ciudadanía en la Argentina peronista", Contra Relatos desde el Sur, Vol. 12, Núm. 14 (2016), pp. 49-61. -
(with David Sheinin) "Jerónimo Remorino. Entre la política exterior peronista y las luchas internas para definir el justicialismo", in Raanan Rein y Claudio Panella (eds.), Los indispensables: dirigentes de la segunda línea peronista, Editorial de Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires, 2017, pp. 165-186.
(with Guy Setton), "Spanish-Israeli Relations and Systemic Pressures, 1956-1986: The Cases of GATT, NATO & the EEC", Historia y Política, Universidad Complutense, № 37 (2017), pp.329-353.
(with Jeffrey Lesser), "The Hispanic World/Latin America", in Mitchell B. Hart and Tony Michels (eds.), Cambridge History of Judaism, Vol. VIII (The Modern Period, c.1815-c.2000), 2017, pp. 199-220.
"Melting the Pot? Peronism, Jewish-Argentines and the Struggle for Diversity", in Benjamin Bryce and David M. K. Sheinin (eds.), Making Citizens in Argentina, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017, pp. 102-118.
"Política, deporte y diplomacia cultural: la Nueva Argentina de Perón y los Juegos Panamericanos de 1951", Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2017).
"Entre lo nacional y lo transnacional: judíos y fútbol en Buenos Aires", en Alonso Delgado, V. L. y Medina, F. X. (Coeds.). Deporte, etnicidad e identidades, Le Canarien Ediciones: La Orotava, 2017, pp. 25-46.
"'El joven judío y el cura antisemita': la polémica entre Carlos Corach y el padre Julio Meinvielle", Legado: la revista del Archivo General de la Nación de la República Argentina, No. 7 (2017): pp. 48-59.
"The Pioneers of International Defense of the Republic: The Athletes of Barcelona’s Popular Olympiad", in Raanan Rein and Joan María Thomás (eds.), Spain: Year Zero, Brighton and Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2018, pp. 34-55.
"Barcelona 1936: The People's Olympiad that Never Took Place", Zmanim, vol. 137, 2018, pp. 102 - 115.
"El desafío a los Juegos Olímpicos de Berlín 1936: los atletas judíos de Palestina en la frustrada Olimpiada Popular de Barcelona", Revista de Historia Contemporánea, No. 56: 2018, pp. 121-155.
"El caudillo de Villa Crespo. León Kolbowski al frente del Club Atlético Atlanta", LEGADO, Publicación digital número 11 (Junio 2018), pp. 50-65.
"Jewish Self Defense in 1960s and Early 1970s Argentina: A Mirror Image of Anti-Semitic Violence?", Israel (Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel) [Hebrew], No. 25 (2018), pp. 227-255.
"Looking for a Refuge of 'Normalcy' During the Argentine Dictatorship: The Case of Atlanta Football Club", The International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 35, No. 10 (2018): 949-964.
"Solidaridad internacional y protestas transnacionales contra la Copa Mundial de Fútbol 1978", Cuadernos de Aletheia, No. 3, March 2019, pp. 29-42.
"Repensando el populismo en América Latina: el caso argentino", in Ximena Carreras-Doallo and Graciela Mateo (eds.), Entre viejos y nuevos populismos, Buenos Aires, CICCUS, 2019, pp. 93-111.
(With Adriana Brodsky), "On Kosher Hamburgers, Yiddish Tangos and Non-Affiliated Jews: Writing Jewish Latin America into the Americas", Jewish American History, Volume 103, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 345-363.
(With Aya Udagawa & Pablo Adrián Vázquez), "Los muchachos peronistas japoneses: el movimiento justicialista y los nikkei", Entramados y Perspectivas, Vol. 9, Núm. 9 (2019): 96-123.
(With Martina Weisz), "Hero and Monster: The Place of Jews in Spain's National Identity", in Sara Brenneis and Gina Hermann (eds.), Spain, World War II, and the Holocaust: History and Representations, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020, pp. 49-64.
"Argentine: L’autre terre promise", in Edith Bruder (ed.), Juifs d'ailleurs, Edicions Albin Michel, Paris, 2020, 222-226.
"El precio a pagar por decisiones personales: Pinchas Chefetz, la egohistoria y los voluntarios judíos en la Guerra Civil española”, Historia del Presente, 35, 2020/1: 137-152.
(with Dario Berman) "Peronist Trade Unionism, the Barra Brava of Chacarita Juniors, and the Argentine Dictatorship", Soccer & Society, Vol. 22, No. 5 (2021): 525-539.
"Entre lo internacional y lo nacional-étnico: los voluntarios judíos de Palestina y Argentina en la Guerra Civil Española", Dictatorships & Democracies, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2020): 47-75.
"De Moises Ville a Madrid: Los argentinos-judíos y la solidaridad con el bando republicano durante la Guerra Civil Española", Cuadernos de Historia de España 87 (2020): 13-36.
"«Hay que formar unidades de autodefensa como respuesta efectiva a los hooligans antisemitas»: autodefensa judía en Uruguay, 1960–1978", Claves. Revista de Historia, vol. 6, n° 11 (July-December 2020): 319 -349.
"De Moises Ville a Madrid: Los argentinos-judíos y la solidaridad con el bando republicano durante la Guerra Civil Española", in Nadia De Cristóforis and Mariano Rodríguez Otero (eds.), Argentina y la Guerra Civil Española, Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi, 2021, pp. 17-35.
"The Tortuous Road towards the Building of a Mosque in Buenos Aires: Overcoming Racial Stereotypes under Populist Governments", in Benjamin Bryce and David M. K. Sheinin (eds.), Race and Transnationalism in the Americas, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021, pp. 177-191.
“Struggling to Belong in the Face of Otherness: The Atlanta Fútbol Club of Buenos Aires”, in Pavel Brunssen and Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, eds., Football and Discrimination: Antisemitism and Beyond. London; New York: Routledge, 2021, pp. 127-137.
"Hero and Outcast: César Tiempo and the History of Jews in Argentina", The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 111, No. 4 (Fall 2021): 512–516).
"Challenging the Argentine Melting Pot: Peronism, Hispanidad, and Cultural Diversity”, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 57/3 (2022): 691–707.
"Defying Traditional Shtadlanut: Jewish Self-Defense in Argentina", in Katalin Franciska Rac and Lenny Ureña Valerio (eds.), Jewish Experiences in the Americas: Local Histories through Global Lenses, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2022, pp. 302-324.
“Der Judo-Trainer, der zum Anführer der jüdischen Selbstverteidigung in Montevideo wurde”, Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung, Vol. 31 (Berlin) (December 2022): 347-371.
“The Meites Sisters and the Spanish Civil War: Women's Support for Republican Spain from Within and Without”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2023): 503-521.
“An anti-fascist struggle conditioned by ethnic concerns: Jewish self-defense groups in 1960s South America”, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol. 48/3 (2023): 453-470.
(with David M.K. Sheinin), “Structuring Jewish Buenos Aires at the End of the Long Nineteenth Century”, Jewish Culture and History Vol. 24 No.4 (2023): 486-500.
(with Pablo Bornstein) “The Teaching of Appreciation”: The Amistad Judeo-Cristiana and the Inclusion of Jews in Spain’s Public Sphere during the Franco Dictatorship”, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Vol. 29/3 (2023): 403-423.
(with Igal Aisenberg), “No solo fabricantes textiles: Inmigración y financiación de los metalúrgicos judíos en Argentina”, Investigaciones y Ensayos, Núm. 75 (2023).
(with Simon-Pierre Lacasse), “Jewish Support for Nationalist Movements in the Americas: A Comparative Re-Appraisal”, in David S. Koffman and David M. K. Sheinin (eds.), Promised Lands North and South: Jewish Argentina and Jewish Canada Compared, Leiden and Boston: Brill Press, 2024, pp, 75-89.
(with Igal Aisenberg) “Emprendedores sin capital: inmigrantes judíos y la industria textil argentina, 1930-1945“, in Latin American Jewish Studies Vol 2.1 (Fall 2023): 27-42.
“From the Blue Book to the CEANA Report and Back: Narratives of Argentina’s Complicity with the Third Reich and Nazi Fugitives”, in Linda Erker and Raanan Rein (eds.), Nazis and Nazi Sympathizers in South America after 1945, Boston: Brill, 2024, pp. 11-31.
(with Yonit Rucki Menashe ), “Entre Di Stéfano y Antúnez: los mitos acerca de la rivalidad futbolística entre el Real Betis y el Sevilla F.C.”, Figuraciones, Vol. 3/3 (2024): 175-189.
(with Dror Sharon), “’I Did it Because it Was My Duty’: Personal and Political Commitment of Jewish Female Volunteers from Palestine in the Spanish Civil War”, Israel (Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel) [Hebrew], Vol. 31-32 (2024): 121-148.
“Israeli Football Clubs and the post 7 October 2023 National Emotional Ecology”, Israel Affairs Vol. 30/5 (2024): 1075-1089.
(with Igal Aisenberg), “ Las vidas paralelas de dos emprendedores inmigrantes: Torcuato Di Tella y Ezra Teubal”, Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, No. 32 (2024): 109-128.
“Argentine Football and the Failed Struggle against Discrimination”, in Emma Poulton (ed.), Antisemitism in World Football, Routledge (2025), pp. 237-260.
- “Trigo argentino para España”, in Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco and Francisco Rodríguez Jiménez (eds.), Años del hambre y relaciones exteriores de la España franquista (1939-1953), Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2025 (in preparation).
- (with Mariusz Kałczewiak), “Writing Jewish Latin America into Latin American and Jewish Histories”, in Encyclopedia of Jews in Latin America (Boston and Leiden: Brill).
- "Renovating Jewish Life in Post-World War II Madrid: Competing Trajectories of Jewish Entrepreneurs," Dictatorships & Democracies.
- “Intelligence Collaboration as a Substitute to Diplomatic Ties: Israel’s Special Relations with Spain”, Yearbook of Transnational History, Vol. 9 (2026).
- “Echoes of the Spanish Civil War in Palestine” in Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez and Adrian Shubert (eds.), The Global Spanish Civil War: Beyond the Great Powers (London: Bloomsbury, 2026).
- (with Eitan Ginzberg), “A Model to Emulate? The Figure of Moses in Latin American Politics and Ethics: From Liberation Theology to Javier Milei”, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1990): pp. 132-136.
Gesher - Journal of Jewish Affairs (Hebrew), No. 123 (1991): pp. 133-134.
Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 24, Part 2 (May 1992): pp.444-446.
International Problems, Society & Politics (Hebrew), No. 59 (1992): pp. 81-84.
Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Dec. 1992): pp. 235-236.
International Problems, Society & Politics (Hebrew), No. 60 (1993): pp. 112-114.
Ha'aretz Books Review (Hebrew), 25 May 1993, p. 16; 11 January 1995, p. 10; 25 Septemebr 1996, pp. 1, 14.
Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales (Argentina), Vol. 9 (1994): pp. 364-366.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1994): pp. 147-150.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1995): pp. 150-153.
Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 37, No. 4 (1995): pp. 199-203.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1995): pp. 154-157.
Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 11, No. 1 (June 1996): pp. 103-106.
Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Spring 1996): pp.139-42.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1996): pp. 159-161.
Peamim (Hebrew), No. 69 (1996): pp. 160-164.
Ha'aretz Books Review (Hebrew), 22.1.97, p. 8; 29.1.97, p. 4; 23.7.97, p. 4; 31.12.97, p. 5.
Reflejos, No. 5 (Dec. 1996): pp. 139-141.
Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 59 (1997): pp. 110-111.
Ha'aretz Books Review (Hebrew), 21.1.98, pp. 11, 14; 1.7.98, p. 6; 26.8.98, p. 4.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 9, No. 1 (1998): pp. 149-150.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1998): pp. 147-149.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 10, No. 1 (1999): pp.162-165.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 10, No. 2 (1999): pp.169-170.
Luso-Brazilian Review, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Summer 2000): pp. 139-140.
Journal of Social History, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Summer 2000): pp. 1026-1027
Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Dec. 2000): 126-129.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2001): pp. 185-187.
Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Dec. 2001): pp. 78-79.
Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 76 (Autumn 2001): pp. 110-12.
Jewish History, No. 15 (2001): pp. 291-294.
Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 31 May 2002, pp. 26-27.
Hispania, No. 211 (2002): pp. 786-789.
Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2002): pp. 75-77.
Historia del Presente, No. 2 (2003): pp. 151-156.
Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 84 (Autumn 2003): pp. 102-105.
Latin American Jewish Studies Newsletter, Vol. 23, Nos. 1-2 (2003): pp. 10-11.
The International History Review, Vol. XXVI, No. 1 (March 2004): pp. 191-193.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2005): pp. 130-131.
Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2005): pp. 280-282.
Historia del Presente, No. 7 (2006): pp. 211-215.
Latin American Jewish Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Spring 2007): pp. 9-11.
Interpretaciones. Revista de Historiografía y Ciencias Sociales de la Argentina, No. 2 (2007).
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2008): pp. 170-172.
Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 108 (Autumn 2009): pp. 106-108.
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2010): pp. 339-341.
Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 109 (2010):pp. 110-112.
Latin American Jewish Studies, Vol. 29.2/ Vol.30.1 (Spring 2010).
Zmanim (Hebrew), No. 112 (2010) . 110-113.
Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, No. 32 (2010): pp. 169-173.
The Americas, Vol. 67, No. 3 (January 2011): pp. 427-428.
Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 91, No. 4 (November 2011): pp. 721-722.
Latin American Jewish Studies, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring-Summer 2011): pp. 37-38.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, vol. 26, No. 1 (2015): pp. 113-115.
Latin American Jewish Studies, Vol. 34 (Spring 2016): pp. 11-15.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, Volume 35, Issue 3 (July 2016): pp. 391-392.
European History Quarterly, Volume 47, Number 4 (October 2017): pp. 807-808.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2017): pp. 148-150.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 29, No. 1 (2018): pp. 147-149.
Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Aug, 2018): pp. 744-746.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2018): pp. 101-103.
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2019): pp. 197-198.
Jewish Film and New Media, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2020): pp. 236-238.
Iberoamericana, No. 67 (2021): 341-343.
Historia Mexicana, Vol. 71, No. 4 (284), April-June 2022: pp. 1916-1919.
Journal of Latin American Studies (May 2022).
International Journal of Jewish Film, Television and New Media, Vol. 10/2 (2023).
Segle XX, Revista Catalan d’Historia, No. 15 (2022): 285-288. (2023).
Mediterranean Historical Review 8:2 (2023):302-305.
International Journal of Jewish Film, Television and New Media, Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 2022/2024, pp. 328–332.
Iberoamericana No. 87 (2024): pp. 354-355
Fabián Bosoer, Generales y diplomáticos, Buenos Aires: Javier Vergara, 2005.
Pablo Scharagrodsky (comp.), Mujeres en movimiento: deporte, cultura física y feminidades. Argentina, 1870-1980, Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2016.
Nahón Milleritzky, Un médico judío en el viejo Buenos Aires. Cuentos escogidos, Buenos Aires: Trenenmovimiento, 2018.
Ignacio Cloppet, Perón intimo. Historias y amistades desconocidas, Buenos Aires: Areté Grupo Editor, 2019.
Iván Pablo Orbuch, Peronismo y cultura física: democratización, sociabilidad y propaganda, Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi, 2020.
Braden o Perón: el Libro Azul y el Libro Azul y Blnaco, Instituto de Formación y Actualización Política del PJ Nacional (IFAP), Buenos Aires, 2021.
Guest Editor, special issue, “Sports, Media, and Society in Israel”, Kesher - Journalism Studies (Hebrew) 2024 (in press).
2011-2025: Editor of the Book Series Jewish Latin America: Issues and Methods, Brill Publishers, Leiden and Boston, MA, (17 books published so far).
2022: Pramit Pal Chaudhuri & Raanan Rein, (eds.), Trusted Partners: 30 Years of India Israel Diplomatic Relations, Ananta Center and Tel Aviv University, New Delhi and Tel Aviv, 2022, 227pp.
2021: Ilan Stavans and Raanan Rein (eds.), Jewish Latin America, The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 111, No. 4 (Fall 2021).
2020-: Co-Editor of the Dossier "¿Ha terminado la Guerra Civil? España 1939–1953", DICTATORSHIPS & DEMOCRACIES, Vol. 8 (2020)
2020-: Member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal Historia Contemporánea, Universidad del País Vasco.
2017-: Member of the Editorial Board of the book series Colección Historia Contemporánea de América , published by Marcial Pons and the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico.
2017-: Member of the editorial board of the journal American Jewish History.
2016-: Member of the advisory board of the journal Improntas, Facultad de Periodismo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.
2015-: Member of the advisory board of the journal Historia y Política, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
2015-: Member of the International Advisory Board, Estudios Sociales del Estado, CONICET, Argentina.
2015-: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Judaic studies Book Series, University of Alabama Press.
2014-2018: Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Contra Relatos desde el Sur, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.
2014: Guest editor (with Tzvi Tal) of "Becoming Part of the Moving Story: Jews on the Latin American Screen", a special issue of the International Journal of Jewish Film, Television and New Media, Vol 2, No. 1 (Spring 2014).
2013-: Member of the Editorial Board of the Salam Book Series published by the Instituto de Investigación de la Paz y los Conflict de la Universidad de Granada and Editorial Comares, Spain.
2013-: Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Jewish Film, Television and New Media.
2012: Guest editor (with Edna Aizenberg) of a special issue of Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe (EIAL), entitled "Contra la corriente: nuevos estudios sobre los latinoamericanos judíos".
2011: Guest editor (with Jeffrey Lesser) of a special issue of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2011), titled "Together Yet Apart: Jews and Arabs in Latin America".
2010: Guest editor (with Silvina Schammah-Gesser and Javier Ugarte) of a special issue of the Spanish journal Historia Contemporánea, No. 38 devoted to new approaches to the study of the Spanish Civil War.
2009-: Member of the Editorial Board of the Book Series Jewish Identities in a Changing World, Brill Publishers, Leiden and Boston, MA.
2008-: Member of the Academic Advisory Council of Iberoamerica Global, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2007-: Member of the Editorial Board of Kesher, Journal of Media and Communications History in Israel and the Jewish World (Hebrew), Tel Aviv University.
2007: Member of the International Editorial Board of Sambatión: Estudios Judíos desde Latinoamérica, Buenos Aires.
2006-: Member of the International Board of Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana, Buenos Aires.
2006-2007: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Bar-Ilan Studies in History.
2006-: Member of the International Board of Latitud Sur, Buenos Aires.
2006: Member of the Academic Board of Interpretaciones. Revista de Historiografía y Ciencias Sociales de la Argentina.
2004: Guest Editor of a special issue of Jewish History titled "Gender, Ethnicity, and Politics: Latin American Jewry Revisited”, Vol. 18, No. 1, 120pp.
2004-2014: Member of the Editorial Board of the historical journal Zmanim (Hebrew), Tel Aviv University.
2004-: Member of the Editorial Board of Araucaria (Spain).
2003-: Member of the International Board of Historia del Presente (Spain).
2003-2014: Editor of the Book Series Nuevas miradas a la Argentina del siglo XX, Ediciones Lumiere, Buenos Aires (15 books published).
2000-: Member of the Editorial Board of the Mediterranean Historical Review.
2002: Guest Editor of a special double issue of History and Memory titled "Spanish Memories: Images of a Contested Past", Vol. 14, 287pp. (Reviewed in: the Mediterranean Historical Review).
1998: Guest Editor of a special double issue of the Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 1/2.
1992-2015: Co-Editor of Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe.
1997: Editor of the journal Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe (articles published in Spanish, English and Portuguese), Tel Aviv University.
1995-2010: Co-Editor of Ibero-America (a series of books on Iberian and Latin America topics), published in Hebrew by the Institute of Latin American History and Culture, Tel Aviv University (10 books published).