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  • "Franquistas y antifranquistas en la Argentina peronista". Given at the Primer Encuentro de Argentinistas Europeos, Instituto Universitario José Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, May 1991.

  • "The Franco-Perón Alliance: Motives for Aid and their Ideological Justification". Given at the Truman Institute for The Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, November 1991.

  • "Between Hispanidad and Latinidad: Perón and the Efforts to Reshape Argentina's National Identity". Given at the annual congress of the Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem, June 1992.

  • "The Belated Initiative: Israel's Relations with Franco's Spain, 1953-1956". Given at the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, June 1993.

  • "Populism and Education: The Case of Peronist Argentina". Given at the annual congress of the Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem, July 1994.

  • "Spanish-Argentine Relations and the Changing Place of the Hispanic Heritage in Peronist Nationalism, 1946-1955". Given at the International Conference on State and Nation in the History of International Relations of the American Countries, Brasília, August 1994.

  • "Otro escenario de lucha: Franquistas y antifranquistas en la Argentina (1936-1949)". Given at the international conference Discriminación y racismo en América Latina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, November 1994.

  • "Las relaciones hispano-argentinas en perspectiva histórica", Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, August 1995.

  • "Entre las dos Españas: América Latina y la Guerra Civil española". Given at the International Colloquium "Cultura, Ciencia y Convivencia: La España Medieval y su Herencia", Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv, November 1995.

  • "The Image of Peronism in Israel, 1949-1955". Given at the conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Mexico City, November 1995.

  • "Peronist Nationalism in Search of an Authentic Past". Given at the conference on Immigraction and National Identity in Latin America, Haifa University, May 1997.

  • "Peronist Argentina and the Partition of Palestine". Given at the International Seminar Procesos de Integratión y Bloques Regionales en la Hisotira de las Relaciones Internacionales, Buenos Aires University, September 1997.

  • "A Tolerated Minority: Jews in Franco Spain". Given at the International Colloquium on The Spanish-Jewish Cultural Interaction, Tel Aviv University, December 1997.

  • "Sports and Politics in Peronist Argentina". Given at the conference Populism and Authoritarism in Brazil and Argentina under Vargas and Perón, Haifa University, June 1998.

  • "Peronismo, populismo y política", Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 1998.

  • "Preparando el camino para el peronismo en la Provincia de Buenos Aires: Juan Atilio Bramuglia como Interventor Federal, 1945". Given at the Ninth International Congress of the FIEALC, Tel Aviv University, April 1999.

  • "Military Defeat, National Identity and the Search for a Usable Past". Given at the annual congress of the Historical Society of Israel, July 1999.

  • "The Formation of the Peronist Coalition: Argentina 1943-1946". Given at the Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland, College Park, October 1999.

  • "The Second Line of Peronist Leadership: A Revised Conceptualization of Populism". Given at the Latin American History Workshop, University of Chicago, November 1999.

  • "The Eichmann Kidnapping, Argentine-Israeli Relations, and the Jewish Community". Given at the conference The Jewish Presence in Argentina, UCLA, December 1999.

  • "Argentina, Israel, and the Jews in the Shadow of the Eichmann Kidnapping". Given at the Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, April 2000.

  • "Populism in Latin America: The Argentine Case". Given at the Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland, College Park, May 2000.

  • "Una breve crisis diplomática: las relaciones entre Israel y la Argentina a la luz del secuestro de Eichmann". Given at the international conference, "El Cono Sur: Su Inserción en el Tercer Milenio",University of Buenos Aires, October 2000.

  • "Argentina, Israel, and the Jews in the 1960s". Given at the Truman Institute for The Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, November 2000.

  • "Populist Movements in Latin American History and Culture". Given at the Primer Simposio Electrónico Anual "El Proceso de Integración Regional en las América Latina", Universidad de Buenos Aires, November 2000.

  • "Argentine Jews and the Accusation of Double Loyalty". Given at the international conference, "The Jewish Diaspora in Latin America", University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, April 2001.

  • "Franco and Perón: The Mutual Relations of Two Hispanic Authoritarian Leaders". Given at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 2001.

  • "Las relaciones Argentina-Israel: De Perón a Frondizi". Given at the X International Congress of the FIEALC, Moscow, June 2001.

  • "Argentine Jews and the Liberating Revolution, 1955-1958". Given at the 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2001.

  • "La sección judía del partido peronista". Given at the conference "Lecturas del peronismo a través del tiempo", UADE, Buenos Aires, October 2001.

  • "Por qué fracasó la peronización de la comunidad judía (1946-1955)", Universidad de San Andrés, October 2001.

  • "Perón y los judíos", Universidad de Buenos Aires, October 2001.

  • "Quién es el enemigo? Los orígenes de la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional". Given at the International Symposium on Human Rights' Violations in Latin America, Haifa University, January 2002.

  • "The Spanish Civil War in Motion Pictures". Given at the International Symposium on History, Film and Politics, St. Moritz, January 2002.

  • "New Trends in Latin American (Jewish and Non-Jewish) Studies in Israel". Given at the LAJSA conference, Rio de Janeiro, June 2002.

  • "Peronismo y deporte". Given at the Department of History, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, November 2002.

  • "The Use and Abuse of the Concept of Populism". Given at the conference on "Populism in Latin America and the Middle East: A Comparative Perspective", The Truman Research Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 2002.

  • "Argentina, Israel, and the Jews: From Perón to Eichmann". Given at Emory University, Atlanta, January 2003.

  • "Israel and Argentine Jews". Given at the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., February 2003.

  • "El primer peronismo sin Perón: Juan Atilio Bramuglia y la Unión Popular, 1955-1962". Given at the Academia Nacional de la Historia, Buenos Aires, Aug. 2003.

  • "Diplomacy, Propaganda, and Humanitarian Gestures: Francoist Spain and Egyptian Jews, 1956-1968". Given at the international conference on Egyptian Jewry, Bar-Ilan University, January 2004.

  • "A Smoke Screen to Hide Human Rights Violations: The 1978 Mundial in Argentina". Given at the Conference "Sports, Football and Politics: A Comparative Perspective", Tel Aviv University, Jan. 2004.

  • "Together yet Apart: Israel and Argentine Jews". A keynote address given at the Latin American Jewish Studies conference, Dartmouth College, NH, June 2004.

  • "Las transiciones latinoamericanas a la democracia en el espejo español", Universidad Católica Argentina, April 2005.

  • "El retorno de Peron en la prensa hebrea, 1973-1974". Delivered in the World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2005.

  • "Latin American Jews or Jewish Latin Americans? New Trends in Historiography". Delivered in the international conference Jewish Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism, Mexico City, September 2005.

  • "Re-Discovering the 'Hidden' History of Latin American Jews". Delivered in the Latin American Studies Association Conference, Puerto Rico, March 2006.

  • "Echoes of the Spanish Civil War in Palestine: Zionists, Communists and the Contemporary Press". Delivered in the international conference War without Limits: Spain 1936-1939 and Beyond, University of Bristol, July 2006.

  • "Repensando la etnicidad en América Latina a travé;s de la perspectiva judía.". Delivered in the international conference Migraciones, Diásporas y Contactos Interculturales, Universidad Católica, Buenos Aires, October 2006.

  • "Next Year in Jerusalem or in Buenos Aires? On History and Identity among Jewish-Argentines and Argentine-Israelis". Delivered at the Forum on Migration, Barnard College, March 2007.

  • "Identidades complementarias: judíos árabes, sefarditas, sionistas y argentinos – el caso del periódico Israel". Delivered in the international colloquium, Arabes y judíos en el mundo Iberoamericano, Tel Aviv University, April 2007.

  • "What is the future of Latin American Jewish Studies?" Delivered in the International Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Buenos Aires, July 2007.

  • "Not Invisible Anymore: Individual and Collective Identities of Argentines in Israel". Given at Emory University, November 2007.

  • "Latin American Jews or Jewish Latin Americans: Reflections on Identity, Ethnicity, and Diaspora". Given at Florida International University, Miami, November 2007.

  • "De la Casa Rosada al Palacio de Miraflores: populismos de ayer y de hoy". Given in the international conference "Por el Equilibrio del Mundo", Havana, Cuba, January 2008.

  • "Research and Teaching of Latin American Jewish History". Given at the International Conference, "El judaísmo latinoamericano en un mundo en transición", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, February 2008.

  • "Searching for Home Abroad: Jews in Argentina and Argentines in Israel". Given at the University of Virginia, March 2008.

  • "Searching for Home in Argentina and Israel: On History and Identity among Jewish- Argentines and Argentine-Israelis". Given at the Library of Congress, Washington DC, March 2008.

  • "The Current State of Latin American Jewish Studies: Important Lacunae in Social and Cultural History". Given at the Latin American Jewish Studies Association Conference, Graduate Center, City University of New York, March 2008.

  • "Deporte, política y exiliados: la protesta en Israel durante el mundial de fútbol, Argentina 1978". Given at the Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, July 2008.

  • "Inmigrantes semitas en la Argentina: un balance historiográfico". Given at the international conference on "El judaísmo sirio y sus expresiones culturales en las comunidades americanas e israelíes", in Mexico City, September 2008.

  • "De los grandes relatos a los estudios de 'pequeña escala': algunas notas acerca de la historiografía del primer peronismo". Given at the Primer Congreso Nacional sobre el Peronismo, Universidad de Mar del Plata, November 2008.

  • "On the Trail of Buenos Aires' Atlanta Soccer Club: Jewish Argentine Popular Culture". Given in the American Historical Association conference, New York, January 2009.

  • "A Fresh Look at Jewish Ethnicity and Diaspora in Latin America: A Comparative Perspective". Given at the conference "Returning to Babel: Jewish Latin American Experiences and Representations", University of Nebraska, Lincoln, April 2009.

  • "Ghosts of the Past, Challenges of the Present: New and Old 'Others' in Contemporary Spain", Berlin, May 2009.

  • "People of the Book or People of the (Foot)Ball? Towards a New Social History of Jewish-Latin Americans". Given at the international conference of Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, June 2009.

  • "Towards a Normalization of Jewish-Latin American Historiography". Given at the Latin American Jewish Studies Association International Conference, Tel Aviv University, July 2009.

  • "Jewish-Latin American Historiography: The Challenges Ahead". Given at the Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2009.

  • "La historiografía reciente del peronismo", Seminario del Departamento de Historia, Universidad de San Andres, Buenos Aires, November 2009.

  • "Echoes of the Spanish Civil War in Palestine", Tam Institute of Jewish Studies, Emory University, November 2009.

  • "Sport, Ethnicity and Neighborhood Identity: The Case of Villa Crespo and the Atlanta Football Club", the Annual Conference of Israel's Historical Society, the Open University, April 2010.

  • "The Eichmann Kidnapping Fifty Years Later: History and Historiography", the Annual Conference of the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism and Racism, Tel Aviv University, April 2010.

  • "Jewish-Latin American Historiography: The Challenges Ahead", Library of Congress, Washington DC, May 2010.


  • "Deporte y etnicidad: Club Deportivo Palestino (Chile) y Club Atlético Atlanta (Argentina), in the International Symposium on Arabs and Jews in Latin America", Fundación Tres Culturas, Seville, June 2010.

  • "Sports and Ethnicity in Argentina: On the Pitch with the Jewish Fans of Atlanta in Buenos Aires", Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, October 2010.

  • "Politically incorrect: César Tiempo and the Staff of the Cultural Supplement of La Prensa", Association for Jewish Studies, Boston December 2010.

  • "People of the Book or People of the (Foot)Ball? Towards a New Social History of Jewish-Latin Americans", The Center for Historical Research, Ohio State University, March 2011.

  • "In the Shadow of the Eichmann Kidnapping: Argentine Jews and the Accusation of 'Dual Loyalty'", University of Haifa, March 2011.

  • "Argentina, World War Two and the Entry of Nazi War Criminals", New School for Social Research, April 2011.

  • "Anti-Semitism and Self-Defense in Argentina: The Effects of the Eichmann Affair on the Local Jewish Community", NYU, April 2011.

  • "Politically Incorrect: Cesar Tiempo, Jewish Identity, and Peronism". Primer Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Israel, Jerusalem, June 2011.

  • "Unfounded Fears, Inflated Hopes, Passionate Memories: Jewish Self-Defense in 1960s Argentina", Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Arizona State University, June 2011.

  • "Sport, Society, and Politics in Argentina", Free University of Berlin, July 2011.

  • "Etnicidad y deporte en la Argentina: el Club Atletico Atlanta de Buenos Aires", Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos (AHILA), Universidad de Cádiz, September 2011.

  • "Desperonizando una colectividad: Los judíos argentinos entre el Peronismo y la Revolución Libertadora", Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, September 2011.

  • "Etnicidad y Deporte en la Argentina: el Club Atlético Atlanta de Villa Crespo", Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, September 2011.

  • "Ethnicizing Argentine Soccer: The Club Atlético Atlanta and Its Fans", Free University of Berlin, October 2011.

  • "Jewish-Argentines Side with the Spanish Republic: A Trans-National Struggle with National and Ethnic Goals", Association of Jewish Studies Conference, Washington DC, December 2011.

  • "Jewish Self-Defense Organization in 1960s Buenos Aires: A Mirror Image of Anti-Semitic Violence?", Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 2011.

  • "Sports and Ethnicity in Latin America: Jewish and Palestinian Soccer Teams in Argentina and Chile", Barnard College, NYC, March 2012.

  • "A Trans-National Struggle with National and Ethnic Goals: Jewish-Argentines and Solidarity with the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War", Latin American Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, May 2012.

  • "Motherlands of Choice: Ethnicity, Belonging and Identities among Jewish-Latin Americans", Free University of Berlin, August 2012.

  • "Reconsidernado la segunda línea del liderazgo peronista", UADE, Buenos Aires. October 2012.

  • "Ethnicizing Argentine Soccer: The Club Atlético Atlanta and Its Fans", University of Miami, October 2012.

  • "Una historia que aún no se contó. Latinoamericanos judíos no afiliados a las instituciones comunitarias ",100 años de vida institucional judía en México - Congreso Internacional, Mexico City, October 2012.

  • "Una historia de oportunidades perdidas: un cuarto de siglo de relaciones diplomáticas entre España e Israel", Pasado, presente y futuro de las relaciones España-Israel, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, Madrid, Nov. 2012

  • "From Juan Perón to Hugo Chávez and Back: Populism Reconsidered", UADE, Buenos Aires, April 2013.

  • "Football, Politics and Protests: The International Campaign Against the 1978 World Cup in Argentina", The Relevance and Impact of FIFA World Cups, 1930-2010, FIFA Zurich, April 2013.

  • "Fútbol y política: el Mundial de 1978 en el escenario internacional" - Seminario: La sociedad colgada del travesaño: fútbol, gambetas y desafío. UADE, Buenos Aires. Septiembre 2013.

  • "Sports and Ethnicity in Argentina: On the Pitch with the Jewish Fans of Atlanta and Buenos Aires". University of Arizona, September 2013.

  • "‘My Bobeh was Praying and Suffering for Atlanta': Family, Food and Language among the Jewish-Argentine Fans of the Club Atlético Atlanta." Keynote address at Emory University Workshop Rethinking Sports in the Americas. October, 2013.

  • "New Approaches to the Study of Jews and Muslims in the Americas". Workshop at Duke University, The Jewish & Muslim Diasporas in Latin America: New Comparative Perspectives. October 2013.

  • “My Bobeh was Praying and Suffering for Our Team”: Soccer as a Space of Prejudice and Dialogue in Argentina”. Given at the AJS Conference, Boston, December 2013.

  • "Ethnicizing Argentine Soccer: The Club Atletico Atlanta and its Jewish Fans", Given at the Library of Congress, Washington, March 2014.

  • "Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina", Given at Hofstra University, New York, April 2014.

  • "Melting the Pot? Jewish-Argentines and the Struggle for a Multicultural Homeland”. given at the LASA Conference, Chicago, May 2014.

  • "Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina", Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University, New York, November 2014.

  • "Melting the Pot? Peronism, Jewish-Argentines, and the Struggle for Diversity", Institute of Latin American Studies, Free University of Berlin, February 2015.

  • "People of the Book or People of the (Foot) Ball? Ethnicizing European and Latin American Soccer", UCLA Center for Jewish Studies, February 2015.

  • "People of the Book or People of the (Foot) Ball? On the Pitch with the Fans of Atlanta in Buenos Aires", Department of History, UC-Irvine, February 2015.

  • "Turning the Country into an "Immense and Clamorous Stadium": Perón, the New Argentina, and the 1951 Pan-American Games", Historicizing the Pan-American Games colloquium, University of Toronto Scarborough, April 2015.

  • "Entre el peronismo y el nacionalismo de extrema derecha: Jauretche, los argentinos-judíos y la acusación de doble lealtad". Given at the LAJSA conference, Florida International University, June 2015.

  • "Los muchachos peronistas judíos". Given in Universidad Di Tella, Buenos Aires, August 2015.

  • "Fútbol, Jews, and the Making of Argentina", NYU Department of History, October 2015.

  • "Football, Jews, and the Making of Argentina", The New School, New York, October 2015.

  • "Soccer, Jews, and the Making of Argentina", University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, October 2015.

  • "Insecure Whiteness: Jewish-Argentine Experiences in Historical Perspective", Jews and Color Symposium, Florida International University, January 2016.

  • "Modern Spain and the Jews: Making a Difference between Sephardic Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and the State of Israel", Jewish Museum of Florida, January 2016.

  • "Los muchachos peronistas judíos", Argentine Cultural Center, Miami, January 2016.

  • "Between Cámpora and López Rega: The Disintegration of Peronism and the Road to a Military Coup", Tel Aviv University, March 2016.

  • "Challenging the Traditional Concept of the Melting Pot: Peronism, Jewish Argentines and the Seeds of Multiculturalism", delivered at the Society for Latin American Studies conference, Liverpool University, April 2016.

  • "'El joven judío y el cura antisemita': La polémica entre Carlos Corach y el Padre Julio Meinvielle, Argentina 1962", Latin American Jewish Studies Regional Conference, May 2016, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, May 2016.

  • "Fighting for Social Justice on Both Sides of the Mediterranean: Jewish Volunteers from Palestine in the Spanish Civil War", delivered at the conference "Crossing Borders: The Spanish Civil War and Transnational Mobilisation", London, Birkbeck College, June 2016.

  • "Anti-semitism and Self-defence in Argentina: The effects of the Eichmann affair on the local Jewish Community", Zentrum Jüdisches Studien Berlin-Brandenburg, September 2016.

  • "Latin American Populism Revisited", Free University of Berlin, September 2016.

  • "Del crisol de razas al multiculturalismo: el caso de árabes y judíos en Argentina", in the Jornadas sobre Inmigración a la Argentina, "La Tierra Prometida", Tucuman, November 2016.

  • "Más allá del crisol de razas: los argentinos judíos, el peronismo y la lucha por un hogar multicultural", Universidad Nacional de La Plata, November 2016.

  • "The Long and Winding Road to the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Spain and Israel", Ben Gurion University, December 2016.

  • "The Pioneers of International Defense of the Republic: The Athletes of Barcelona's Popular Olympiad", in the conference Spain 1936: Year Zero, Tel Aviv University, January 2017.

  • "Historiografías del primer peronismo", Universidad de Quilmes, April 2017.

  • "Los muchachos peronistas árabes", Centro de Documentación e Investigación acerca del Peronismo, Buenos Aires, April 2017.

  • "Repensando el populismo en América Latina: el caso argentino", Universidad de San Martín, April 2017.

  • "Re-thinking Populism and Peronism", The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 2017.

  • "Las Relaciones Argentina - Israel: De Peron a Macri". Given at the UADE, Buenos Aires, November 2017.

  • "Between Charity and Social Welfare: The Eva Perón Foundation", The annual conference of the Historical Society of Israel, Open University, March 2018.

  • "Struggling to Belong in the Face of Otherness: The Atlanta Football Club of Buenos Aires", in the conference The Beautiful Game? Identity, Resentment, and Discrimination in Football and Fan Cultures, Technical University of Berlin, April 2018.

  • "From Perón to Menem: The Tortuous Road towards the First Mosque in Buenos Aires", Free University of Berlin, April 2018.

  • "Looking for a Refuge of 'Normalcy' During the Argentine Dictatorship: The Case of Atlanta Football Club", Latin American Studies Association conference, Barcelona, May 2018.

  • "Populism and Ethnicity: The Tortuous Road towards the Grand Mosque in Buenos Aires", given at the Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne, September 2018.

  • "Los muchachos peronistas árabes: De Jorge Antonio a Carlos Menem", Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, November 2018.

  • "State Repression and Daily Life: Football clubs during the Argentine dictatorship", University of Goa, December 2018.

  • "Facing Anti-Semitism with a Club in Hand: Jewish Self-Defense in Argentina of the 1960s and the 1970s", in the conference Jews and the Americas, University of Florida, February 2019.

  • "Las imágenes del peronismo en el extranjero: miradas e interpretaciones", UADE, Buenos Aires, April 2019.

  • "Las imágenes conflictivas del Peronismo: Miradas e interpretaciones extranjeras", Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, April 2019.

  • "Populism, Islamophobia, and the New European Attitudes towards the Middle East", in the conference of Current Dynamics between Europe and The Middle East and North Africa, Princeton University, May 2019.

  • (with Aya Udagawa), "Los muchachos peronistas japoneses: The Peronist Movement and the Nikkeis", in the conference Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Re-thinking Migration to Latin America and the New Ethnic Studies, Tel Aviv University, June 2019.

  • "El alto precio de decisiones personales: Pinchas Chefetz, la egohistora y los voluntarios judíos en la Guerra Civil Española", in the XX Congress of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Jerusalem, July 2019.

  • "Los voluntarios judíos en la Guerra Civil", en un Simposio Internacional ¿ha terminado la guerra civil? España 1939-1953, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, October 2019.

  • "Jewish Self-Defense in Argentina of the 1960s and the 1970s", Simon Dubnow Institute, Leipzig, September 2019.

  • "De regreso a los comienzos: repensando el primer peronismo", Universidad de Lanús, Argentina, November 2019.

  • "A 100 años de la Semana Trágica: Antisemitismo y la lucha contra el mismo en la Argentina del siglo XX", Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, November 2019.

  • "Jewish and non-Jewish Latinos in Israel: Religion, Culture, and Identity", Forum on Migration-Barnard College and Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies-Columbia University, New York, February 2020.

  • "Jewish-Argentine Return Migration", Brandeis University, February 2020.

  • "Argentina, la Guerra Civil Española y las Brigadas Internacionales", Instituto de Historia de España Dr. Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz, University of Buenos Aires, April 2020.

  • “El primer peronismo: entre hispanidad, latinidad y el concepto de crisol de razas”, Universitat de Girona, November 2020.

  • “Uso y abuso del pasado: Sefarad en la memoria colectiva israelí”, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, December 2020.

  • “Paying a Dear Price for Eichmann’s Kidnapping and Trial: Jewish-Argentines Facing a Wave of Anti-Semitism”, in the conference The Eichmann Trial Revisited After 60 Years: International Aspects, Yad va-Shem’s International Institute for Holocaust Research and Tel Aviv University, April 2021.

  • “Peronism and Political Inclusion: Middle Eastern Immigrants in Argentina”, the biannual Hervey lecture on Islam and the Middle East at the University of Texas El Paso, April. 2021.

  • "El secuestro de Eichmann y su impacto sobre las relaciones Argentina-Israel y la colectividad argentina-judía", Holocaust Museum, Buenos Aires, May 2021.

  • “Expanding Our Fields: Canadian Jewish History and Latin American Jewish History”, Panel Discussion, Association for Canadian Jewish Studies conference, May 2021.

  • “Carlos Menem, the Construction of the Buenos Aires Mosque and the Creation of a Multi-Cultural Society in Argentina”, Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI) conference, June 2021.

  • “Antisemitism on the Pitch and in the Stands: Argentine Football and the Failed Struggle against Discrimination”, Latin American Jewish Studies Association conference, June 2021.

  • “Solidaridad trans-nacional e identidades étnicas: Los voluntarios judíos en la Guerra Civil Español y el intento de construir un mundo mejor”, AHILA (Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos) conference, August 2021.

  • “’El panadero’: Pedro Radío y la ayuda económica argentina a España, 1946-1950”, in the conference La hambruna Española del franquismo (1939-1952), Universidad de Granada, November 2021.

  • (with Dror Sharon) “People´s Diplomacy nd Trans-National Solidarity: Female Volunteers from Jewish Palestine in the Spanish Civil War”, in the conference Citizens as Diplomats, University of Sussex, December 2021

  • “Desmantelando un ladrillo más en la pared del nacionalcatolicismo: la Amistad Judeo-Cristiana de los años setenta”, Conference closing lecture, Congreso de la Asociación de Historiadores del Presente, Universidad de Sevilla, Februrary 2022. 

  • “From the Blue Book to the CEANA Report and Back: Narratives of Argentina’s Complicity with the Third Reich and Nazi Fugitives”, Opening lecture in the conference Nazis and Nazi Sympathisers in South America after 1945. Careers and Networks in their Destination Countries, Vienna, March 2022.

  • “The Jewish-Christian Friendship Organization and the 1970s Campaign to Eliminate anti-Semitism from Spanish school texts”, Heinrich Heine University, May 2022.

  • “Fighting in South America the Struggle Lost in Europe: Jewish-Germans and Self-Defense in Uruguay”, Annual Conference of  German Studies in Israel, Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, June 2022.

  • “The Making of a Communist Martyr: Yael Gerson and Jewish Female Volunteers from Palestine in the Spanish Civil War”, 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2022.

  • “The Meites Sisters: Supporting Republican Spain from Within and Without”, in the joint Tel Aviv University-Free University of Berlin Workshop, Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War, Tel Aviv University, September 2022.

  • “Different Shades of Fascism? Francoism, Peronism, and Populism”, in the conference Tales of Search and Research in the Understanding of Fascism:100 Years from The March on Rome, 1922-2022”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 2022.

  • “An Anti-Fascist Struggle Conditioned by Ethnic Concerns”, American Historical Association conference, Philadelphia, January 2023.

  • “Entre Di Stéfano y Antúnez: los mitos acerca de la rivalidad futbolística entre Real Betis y Sevilla F.C.“, in 2º Congreso de Hispanistas de Israel, Jerusalem, March 2023.

  • “Jewish Women Fighting for Social Justice on Both Sides of the Mediterranean”, University of Leeds, March 2023.

  • “ “Zurdo y judío: Gelbard, el Pacto Social y el antisemitismo”, Buenos Aires, May 2023.

  • “Fragmentos de una biografía en ciernes: Max Mazin y la evacuación de los judíos de Marruecos”, at the conference “Vidas, Voces, Repertorios: Sefardíes entre Marruecos y la península iberica”, Tetuan, Morocco, July 2023.

  • "Menem, el Medio Oriente y la alargada sombra del atentado a la AMIA", in the conference Cuarenta Años de Institucionalidad Democrática en Argentina: II Encuentro de Argentinistas Europeos, Paris, November 2023.

  • “Renovating Jewish Life in Post-World War II Madrid: Competing Trajectories of Jewish Entrepreneurs”, in the conference POSTWAR PERIODS, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, February 2024.

  • “Jews and Jewish Identity in Argentina's Revolutionary Movements”, 14th International Conference of the Association of Historians of Latin America and the Caribbean, Curacao, June 2024.

  • "Intelligence Collaboration as a Substitute to Diplomatic Ties: Israel’s Special Relations with Spain,"  annual conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Lisbon, July 2024.

  • “Echoes of the Spanish Civil War in Palestine”, The Israel/Palestine Forum, Harvard University, January 2025.

  • “Anti-Fascist Pioneers: Jewish Volunteers from Palestine in the Spanish Civil War”, Schusterman Center, Brandeis University, February 2025.

  • ¨Fighting for Social Justice on Both Sides of the Mediterranean: Jewish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War”, Hosfstra University, March 2025.

  • “Populism and Ethnicity: Peronism and the Jews of Argentina”, Florida Atlantic University, March 2025.

  • “Bomberos and Security Agents: Jewish Self-Defense in 1960s Chile”, Latin American Jewish Studies Association (LAJSA) virtual conference, May 2025.

  • (with Idan Franco), “Hostages of the Middle Eastern Conflict? The Jewish Community of Colombia, 2014–2024”, Latin American Jewish Studies Association (LAJSA) conference, Bogotá, July 2025.

  • (with Dror Sharon), “Jewish Couples` from Mandatory Palestine in the Spanish Civil War: Between and Betwixt Fighting and Intimacy”, 41st Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies, University of Haifa, July 2025.

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